Texas Health Occupations Association
If you are a health care provider, company, or teacher and would like to present a health-related topic, skill, concept, or your best practice in the classroom that would benefit a health science teacher, please consider this opportunity.  The conference offers a great opportunity to share your best practices in healthcare with colleagues from across our great state.  It is also a good opportunity for healthcare providers to showcase their latest and greatest technologies and skills to the perfect target audience. 

If you are interested in doing an in-person 45-minute presentation at our conference on Wednesday  7/10 or Thursday 7/11, please submit this form and submit the title of your proposed presentation and a short abstract of your presentation for our attendees to view what your session will be about.  In-person presenters will receive a certificate awarding 3 CPE credits for their presentation. 

We are also seeking people to submit
60-minute recorded presentations to include in our virtual online courses for teachers who cannot attend the conference in person.  If your recording is approved for this conference, presenters will receive a certificate awarding 3 CPE.  Recorded presentations will be reviewed and chosen as submitted.  Please share this link with any potential presenters.
If interested, please complete the form, by clicking the "Submit New Proposal" button.
You will be taken to a page that states: "Sign In Here" if you have an active account or "Continue" without logging in.  CHOOSE THIS OPTION
Documents Uploads such as PowerPoints,  handouts, or videos are not due until July depending on the type. More details will be sent about deadlines.
For questions email regina@thoainc.com

Please complete the form ASAP, and include your Bio and Headshot within the submission form. The deadline for submission is April 20th.  
Any document that needs to be uploaded will not be due until June. 
For questions email regina@thoainc.org.
You will be contacted no later than May 15th if your submission is accepted.